Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Yellow Cervical Fluid

Response to Reviews of Chapter IX

Nya, gomen! I know you took me to update, but it has not Bia found time to write a good chapter, but, you see, finally succeeded. Thousands of thanks for reading Densetsu Universe, here are the answers to your reviews:

-Bansheeyris: , here is Chapter 10, I hope you like it and as always, explanations of the mythological references I used in it.

-Usa-Kou: hours find out who it was that night visitor. You see that as the chapters pass, your confusion will be dispelled. I hope you keep reading!

-Uchihyu: friend, I answered the review lol ... Yes, poor Mina, but neglects not be so cruel to her ... As for your sister, because I can not reveal his identity yet. About Hestia, haha \u200b\u200bI can not answer a lot now ... Read on and not delay the upgrade of your fics.

- Hina Kou: yes, a bit late but Happy New Year! Yes, I know there are many questions But what would a fiction without a little suspense, eh?

-Ttaioi: thanks for following my fic, I hope you did well on your test. I also love Amy, so I want her to gain a little more prominence, and neglects to Taiki not be so easy to be with her lol.

-Bogita: friend, I hope you were able to access the blog, I know I have a little left, but the time was not on my part hehe. Well, if a little late, is the capital 10.

-serenity824: not worry, I will not destroy life on Earth Mina hehehe ... Enjoy this chapter.

-mariae: Hello! Welcome! I'm glad you like this story. I see you have your deductions, but I can not come on nothing, yet ... I invite you to continue reading!

-wolfgang2026: friend thanks for reading! I hope that you like the rest of the story, I am yet to update your fic!

-GwynMarchog : Sorry for the delay, here is chapter 10! Enjoy!

-Ludmila: appreciate your mails, thank you for supporting my humble fic hehe. I hope you like the capital 10.

Lucy Giraldo: thank you very much for your support! Take advantage of Chapter 10!


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