Saturday, April 2, 2011

Convert Swf To Ipa Application Iphone

Augustinians Iztapalapa 09090 DF MEXICO

Mexico Tel: 00 52555582
9497 Fax: 00 52555697 7926

Although not a parish, has sacramental books and always has been intense pastoral work with a variety of groups. Has recently adopted the SINE involved in directing retreats, the organization of small communities, the preparation of extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, etc. Along with religious groups like the Charismatics and the days of Christian life initiatives for welfare work as the used-clothing bazaar, the monthly food distribution to 100 needy people and the group Our Elders to serve the elderly. The Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternity, erected in November 1996, has 25 professed members and eight on probation. The serves the community of Dolores catechists Soper, who reside in the area, and, sporadically, other religious communities and patients of the hospital the Americas.
Around 4,000 people live mostly popular extraction. About 90% are Catholic. Many faithful come to it from other colonies. For they have Mass every Sunday 7 to about 3,000 participants, and the weekdays, 3 to 700. Catechesis was delivered by 80 volunteers, reaches more than 1,500 people: prebaptismal (700), pre-evangelization (250), first communion (120), confirmation (50) Adult (300). In the archdiocese of Mexico would welcome his conversion to parish.

include here more information I found on another site and some pictures of the construction of this temple

http://www.angelfire. com / nt / sntolentino / historia.html

was the month of August 1947 in Mexico City, specifically in the Colonia Héroes de Churubusco (named in memory of the men covered themselves with glory in the defense of the bridge and convent Churubusco), when the real estate company CCIDF (Tenants Central Committee of the Federal District) loot and urbanizing the entire colony to put the lots up for sale.

At the time Mr. Martin Rizo was in charge of the Administrative Committee of the real estate and genererosamente away six lots of new subdivision to be allocated to the construction of a new Catholic church, the lots were marked with the numbers 6,7,8,9,10 and 11 of the block 14, where instead placed a rustic sign that read:
indicating the location of future new Spiritual Center Colonia Héroes de Churubusco.

Once donated the lots, Mr. Rizo was given the task of searching for the religious order that would take care of the new church, so it comes in contact with the PR Mugica Victorian top of the Iglesia del Carmen. The Carmelite Fathers decline the offer citing lack of personnel, but he suggested to Mr. Rizo to lead its offer to the Archbishop of Mexico to Archbishop Luis Maria Martinez. Mr. Rizo sent a letter to the archbishop expressing the following:

Mexico City to August 19, 1949.

the foregoing with all speed, I reiterate to Your Excellency the provision of promised land by making them available and adding that the works have started a collaboration determined to soon become a reality ...." draft

The words of Mr. Rizo take effect within the ecclesiastical sphere, and finally on February 7, 1950, the Ministry of Government Archbishop of Mexico gives green light to the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit to build the temple, forming "The construction pro Patrotano Temple of Our Lady of Sorrows."
After many setbacks, the Board strengthen efforts and strives to find another religious order that directs the works and looking among many is the order of the Augustinian Recollect (the PP. Augustinians arrived in our country in 1941).
It was not until Sunday March 22, 1953 (but not before passing by a series of ups and downs that hindered the building of the Temple), at 9:30 in the morning to be officially handed over the land to the PP. Augustinian Recoletos, three Masses celebrated by Father Irenaeus Ojer of the same order ....


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